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The legendary Dark God has spoken…

What better way to spend Burns Night this year than enjoying a truly Scottish rum. Scottish rum is on the rise and Dark God is at the forefront, pushing the boundaries and expectations - it’s time for the Dark Gods elixir. The Legendary Distillers heard the call of the Dark God; to make a drink that will transform mere mortals and let them becomes the Gods and Goddesses they were meant to be. A rum that will punch you right in the ‘taste-ticles’ and have you praying for more. 

A bold spiced rum like no other – a rum only for legends

What do the Legendary Distillers say? “Mortals, fill your face holes with this pungent musk, distilled for you in a tempest of heat, smoke, flame and pure Caledonian Water”. 

“No vanilla, No clove, No syrup”

The finest rum made from scratch at the Legendary Distillery, near Glasgow, is enlivened with powerful spices and elements of fire and smoke. The colour of burning embers, this premium spiced rum has notes of caramel, butterscotch, ginger heat, zesty citrus and a unique bitter-sweet almost herbal character – think Army and Navy sweets. A fiercely guarded recipe using a unique and carefully considered blend of fruits and botanicals give this rum a distinctive and inimitable taste profile not to be missed. 

No vanilla, no sweet syrups and no clove means you feel the heat. This truly Scottish Spiced rum is fierce, dark, decadent, innovative, pioneering… 

Put some fire in your glass and enjoy Dark God neat, over ice or pair with your favourite mixer… or anyway you damn feel. We recommend a premium cola, ginger beer or ginger ale. 

Feeling adventurous or fancy a punch in the face? 

Try a truly Scottish simple serve ‘Glasgow Daiquiri’. Mix 70ml Dark God Premium Scottish Spiced Rum, the juice of half a lime, a dash of simple syrup (1 tsp of sugar will do) and top up with chilled Irn Bru. Serve over crushed ice and garnish with a sprig of mint. 

Or try a ‘Chili Cuban’. Shake 70ml of Dark God Premium Scottish Spiced Rum, 1 spoon of passionfruit pulp and 150ml Mango juice. Top up with 100ml ginger ale and serve over crushed ice. Garish with a few slices of green/red chilli and a fiery wreath of coriander. 

Alternatively try the ‘Zombie Cowgirl’. Mix 35ml of Dark God Premium Scottish Spiced Rum, 35ml of Overproof Pineapple Rum, 35ml of white rum, 150ml of pineapple juice, the juice of half a lime, a splash of Grenadine and serve over crushed ice.

Your time as a mere mortal ends now…